Sunday, June 27, 2010

"Goto" And "If" Statements In PSA Has Won!

Alright! Apparently, after all this time, you guys want to learn some basic coding. I'll have to come up with a better name... but let's take this one step at a time.

A basic description here, a "Goto" statement, simply redirects the current flow of events to another place, and when THAT chain of events finishes, it comes back, and continues on with the rest of the code.
a "If" statement basically sets up a scenario, and in the event that this scenario HAPPENS, whatever extra code you have set up.

combining these two is extremely common with all types of games, as they the bread and butter of coding!

Expect this tut out soon, I'll try to release this one second, and the "Battle Portraits" first. Enjoy the wait!

Question Of The Day:
"Do You Plan On Participating In The Current Contest?"

I don't XD
But the winner of the last one, RobzdaBlade, will be helping me judge all of your guys's work! So we now have a panel of judges! I'm excited to see all of your works!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wacka Alpaca Presents: RobzdaBlade Brawl Modding Contest!

Wacka Alpaca Presents: RobzdaBlade Brawl Modding Contest!

Alright, first I guess I should explain the name of this contest; as some of you may know, one of the prizes for winning first in my last contest, was to have the next contest be held in your honour - well, here it is! I would like to say again to RobzdaBlade, congratulations on taking first in "Wacka Alpaca's Contest 01"!

Speaking of which, if you have not seen the "Winner's" video from the last contest, check it out below! I'd love to hear your comments and feeback!

Wacka Alpaca's First Contest

Next up I should talk about the overall motif for this contest, just like the last one, ANY type of mod may be submitted, so whether it be a stage, a PSA, a model hack, or a great texture, submit away!
I encourage all levels of modders to enter because, you just never know until you try, and you can't win unless you submit!

- Create, and showcase a mod made by you (NO plagarism!).
- The creation can have anything to do with brawl, and can be multiple small things relating to the same aspect of brawl, for example, you could showcase all of your custom Samus textures, or all of your custom songs with custom titles.
- Deadline for entries will be on August 6th 11:59pm.
- One submission per person
- Winners will be announced after the deadline, and will be posted here, as well as a special youtube video congratulating them.

- I want to see work from everyone! You can't win if you don't try!
- I will review the applications AS they come in, so don't hold your project for the end, when you finish 100%, submit!

First Place:
- An interview with me, that will be uploaded on my channel for thousands to see!
- The next contest will be named after you, and held in your honour!
- You will be included in the "Winner's" video, and have your work shown to all of youtube!

Second and Third Places:
- You will have your works included in the "Winner's" video, so all of youtube can see your hard work!

- Please send in your applications through my youtube account (Sending PM's), as this will allow me to organise them better.
- Please use the format below:

Subject: Wacka Alpaca Contest Entry
Message: Here is my application, you can download it here (OR view a video of it). Then please explain what you made, and what were the tough areas, what went right, what didn't, etc.

That should be it! I am really excited to have more people participate in this one, as I think a lot of my fans did not even know the last one was happening!
And as always, visit back here to my blog to get all the latest updates on my tutorials and this contest!
Thanks again to everyone who supports me, and good luck in this contest!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Contest Results!!!

Hey everyone!
Wacka Alpaca's First Contest has finally concluded!
A big congratulations to each of the three winners, and a huge thank you to everyone who participated.

I had a blast making this contest for you all, and while it was a lot of work, I felt it paid off in launching the "Contest" section of my blog. I hope even more people participate with the contest next time, and really help push our little community to the top of brawl moddding.

I will link to the downloads of each of the winners BELOW the video, so be careful of that (AKA spoiler alert below the video)

Wacka Alpaca's First Contest

Prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd:

First prize:
- A talking spot on my tutorials, which will be viewed by thousands!
- A special promotional video for your mod, so that everyone can try it out, and see what it does!
- The next contest (Whenever I plan to have another) will be held in your honour, and use your name!
- Of course, the gloating power that you are the best of the best!

Third and Second place:
- Inclusion into a compilation video, where I will showcase your design, and talk about it, and you.
- A name shoutout on one of my tutorials, this will help your name get out there so people can see your mods!

JoJo's File:

uGotNachoed's File:

RobzdaBlade's File:

I'm Kindly Asking Anyone With A Little Bit Of Extra Cash To Donate Some Money To My University Savings, I Cannot Continue To Make These Tutorials And Get A Job Full Time To Pay The Bills, Please, Any Amount Helps, I Thank You In Advance.¤cy_code=CAD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted

Thanks again to EVERYONE!

Question Of The Day:
"Did You Like The Intro Video And Pre-Clip Intros For Each Entrant?"

I spent a lot of time making those videos feel perfect with the vibe of the contest, and I think they came out beautifully. Let me know what you think!
And don't hold back on ideas for intro vids for the future contests!!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Custom Stock Icons Is Here!

Finally! It's here!
Custom Stock Icons Tutorial is here and ready for your watching!
Watch and learn how to edit the little icons above the % signs in combat.

Brawl Modding Tutorial - Custom Stock Icons

Demo Should be up sometime soon, along with the demo for the other tut I haven't finished yet!

Sorry! I have been informed that this is actually a tut on how to edit the STOCK icons, not the "Battle Portraits". I thought they were the same thing, but do not worry! I will release the battle portraits tutorial along with the tutorial you vote for this week!
A double whammy!
Two for the vote of one!
Thanks again to those who pointed this out!

Friday, June 18, 2010


Hey everyone, I am still here, and I apologize for the discrepency between tutorials.
It is a very busy time for me as of late, and again I beg your pardon.

Now that E3 is over, I have a bit less on my plate (Fun fact, I was supposed to go to E3 this year, but was held up by schooling).

I still have my finals to go through, so wish me luck!

Question Of The Day:
"Who Do You Think Should Have Been In Brawl That Wasn't?"

I think Leon Kennedy should have been in there, he could have been a clone of snake, but with incendiary grenades, and cool knife and kicking melee moves.
What are you favs?!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Argh! Busy Life!

I am going to take a bit longer than usual to get this next tutorial out. I just have a lot on my plate as of the moment, what with final exams, the contest, and the usual.

I'm hoping to have some free time on Thursday, so enjoy the wait!

Question Of The Day:
"How Many Hours A Week Do You Spend Modding?"

I spend roughly 8 hours a week doing mods, which include the time for my tutorials.
How long do you guys spend?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Huge Contest Submission Period Ends Today!

Hey everyone!
I just realised that it is the 12th of June, which means my contests period for submissions is OVER!

Thank you to everyone who took the time to submit their works, and I will make a post soon about the timeline for the big winners contest video, runner's up video, and award ceremony type thing!

Stay tooned for all the great things about to happen!

Custom Battle Portraits Has Won!

Alright! I guess people want to have those tiny pictures of characters heads be editable!
Personally, I think this is the most pointless mod, as I never look at anything down there but the %'s.

But alas, I do for you, not I.

Expect this tut to be up soon!

Question Of The Day:
"Least Favorite Character To Fight?"
I hate fighting Meta-Knight, one of my friends just uses him to spam the whorenado, and so it just becomes a whole lot of annoyance.
What's your least favorite opponent?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

CSS Organizer Info

CSS Organizer is a program designed to make creating you own CSS (Character Selection Screens).
It has a great drag and drop interface, and low file size to download.
It is definately something anyone who wants a cool CSS should check out!

I hope to see it grab some more votes as the final day trudges on!

Question Of The Day:
"What is your favorite part of brawl to hack?"

Mine is definately the textures and models of characters.
I dislike doing any modding that unbalances the game, so Textures, Models, and Stages are the path I often take. Let me know yours!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Playlists? By Wacka? Really?!

Yep, I finally took the hint that the community wanted playlists in chronological order on my YT channel.
so enjoy!

Organized in the following categories:

PSA Tutorials
Brawlbox Tutorials
Brawl Modding Tutorials
3DS Max Tutorials

Enjoy the streamlined viewing pleasure of the whole process!

Monday, June 7, 2010

New 3DS Max Tutorial

Hey everyone, check out this easy to follow tutorial for 3DS Max. Not a lot of help for anything brawl related, but a good fun tut to get you more interested in 3D modelling.

3DS Max Tutorial - Bombs

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Changing CSS Names Complete!

Alright, I have finished the videos for Changing CSS Names!
Not only the tutorial, but the demo too!
Have a lot of fun with this tutorial, I know I had a lot of fun making it, and make sure to vote for the next tutorial.

I would also like to remind everyone that the submission deadline for my contest ends in 6 days! so if you have any great mods you have made and want to submit them, send them in before the 12th of June.

Here are the links to the Demo and Tut!

Brawl Modding Tutorial - Changing CSS Names

Brawl Modding Demonstration - Changing CSS Names

Friday, June 4, 2010

Changing CSS Names Wins!

This one has been around for a while, and is quite enjoyable to see in game, especially when you have a custom font you use for every character.
It just gives your CSS a more custom feeling.

Well, the waiting for it to release starts now!
Enjoy it!
(Should be around Saturday, or Sunday)

Question of the Day:
"What is your favorite character to play as?"

Mine is definately Ganondorf, he is not my BEST character, but he is so much fun to play as, let me know yours!