Sunday, September 26, 2010

CSS Codes For Additional Charaacters Has Won!

Alright guys, you voted through CSS Codes For Additional Charaacters and as such, I will start working on it. Hopefully it will be done within the next week, but more realistically it MAY take up to 3 weeks to get around to. I'm aiming for doing it tomorrow... but can't garuntee anything.

Enjoy the waiting!

Question of the Day:
"Would you guys think me having a website would be a good idea?"

I thought about it back when I made this, but this is free and can do almost just as much... Lemme know what you think!


  1. It would be great, but, to be honest, this is enough.

    Also, you still have your YouTube Channel!

    I don't think you need to make a website.

  2. YESSSSS!!! I CAN'T wait! :D :D :D I hope you can do it tommorrow. And a website would be cool aside from your blog.

  3. Yea, I'm more of the mindset like Markus. Having a website is really... "unnecessary".

    More thoughts guys?

  4. Why would you need a website? it's pointless to pay for one when this works just fine. Also, is there a date for the contest?

  5. Haha, guys chill! once LucSkywalker16 gets some time to do the screen records and send them to me, i'll do the compiling and narration.

    Just waiting on him, if anyone wants to volunteer to take on his position, I am open to that.

    Enjoy the wait!

  6. You should try looking at this page for the tutorial:

    Also I couldn't find a page a used on smashboards a little while ago that gave me a .gct with alloays warioman and gigabowser so i uploaded it to my mediafire account:

    You can also see what I've made in my brawlvault account:
    Sorry for no hyperlinks
