Monday, March 22, 2010

Changing Stage Selection Portraits

Well, ignoring the fact that one of the contenders has 60% of the votes, I shall continue discussing the other options!

Changing the Stage Selection Portraits would be a tutorial on how to make the picture for a stage, be different! (Wow obvious I know!).
But think about it, I just did a tut on making 2-D stages, but what if you dont want to select "Final Destination" for that stage? what if you want to select "Coke Can On Firey Background"?

This would show you how to get a image up there instead of FD!
You could also use this to change Rumble Falls picture into Wifi-Waiting Room permanently!
So handy!


  1. i want this too! but i definately want sound effects A LOT!! so hard to choose!!!

    can you make a written tutorial about this as well as the character battle portraits?
    (I.E. the pic next to your damage percentage?)

    where do you find the stuff for this? im a member of the KC-MM forum, but i dont think i see anything there... is it on smash-boards?

  2. I find it by doing it myself, and testing and testing for hours.
    just for you!

  3. Just for me? That makes me feel extra special! I actually find this more useful than sound effects. I have all these stages and I can't remember which stage I put where. And the only sound effects I would really change is the voices anyway.

  4. No... not for you... I was replying to CR4CK3RW0LF... lol
    just kidding!
    It was all for you!

    "It's all for you Damien!" - the Omen

  5. Man i really really need this :( to bad it will have to wait since ppl are voting for something else ugh!
