Sunday, March 28, 2010

Creating Stages From Elements Of Other Stages Info

Alright, now what many people may not know, is that all models are interchangable, and delicious.
So, we can have a stage, that has buildings from starfox levels, and platforms from skyworld, and all sorts of other models from stages, in ONE stage.
There is a great example of this on youtube, watch it below.

That is basically what we will be making with this tut.
but remember to vote for what you want!


  1. Hello :)
    I cant wait for this video, i hope its finished soon...

    By the way, what is a Brawl Wall?

  2. This looks sweet, might consider changing my vote.
    I'd also like to know about brawlwall, I saw it mentioned in a forum once, before release. Google doesn't help in the slightest. D:
    btw, have you seen this awesomeness?
    I suspect that's brawl hacking for ultra-nerds though. :P

  3. Yes, I have seen that video, and have actually come up with 2 different ways on how to make an animated background.
    I need to test it before I add it to the poll list, do I need to remind everyone what happened the last time I did not try to do something before adding it? (Custom SFX)
