Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mini-Project 01

Alright, I have covered all the current contenders in the poll, so I am going to change tack, and describe another aspect of this blog!

Mini Project 01:

Name: Goomba Joins The Brawl!
Required Tutorials: Model Swapping, Adding Bones To Models, Animation Editing, Automatic Polygon Deleter.

Alright, I know one of those is not made yet, and that is why you would need to vote for it. Basically, to do this tutorial, you will have needed to watch and truly understand all the above tutorials. If you do not know how to do all these steps by heart (Or tutorial assist) it may take a long time to complete, and you should stick to simpler projects.

This will be a brief outline on how to make your very own Goomba!

1) - Download the .pac file with the trophies.
2) - open that file.
3) - Export the model and texure of Goomba
4) - Open Kirby's model file in BB
5) - Replace Kirby's model with the Goomba model, do the same with the texture.
6) - Check in the model previewer to see if it works.
7) - Use the Automatic Polygon Deleter to remove the STAND of the trophy.
8) - Use the Bone Adder to give the trohpy enough bones to be able to go over Kirby.
9) - Your Done! Test in brawl, and make adjustments from there.

This has been the first Mini-Project. I will do these on occaision, for when I got nothing else to offer. I hope some of you try this out, possibly with your own characters and ideas. Remember to Put videos of your creations on youtube and Video Response them to my videos so everyone can see! Enjoy!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Brawl Wall Info

Alright, I know a lot of you went:
"What is brawl wall doing on that poll? Oh well, I'll vote for something else."
but I'm going to explain it for you!

Brawlwall is an application like Brawlbox and PSA that allows you to edit almost ALL aspects of a stage.
Collisions (Which we already covered in Brawlbox), Item spawn locations, Player spawn locations, and some other things that stages have.

The most important part of this tutorial would follow "Player spawn locations" as that is currently the only thing holding back our 2D stages from TRUE originality.

I hope this cleared things up!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Creating Stages From Elements Of Other Stages Info

Alright, now what many people may not know, is that all models are interchangable, and delicious.
So, we can have a stage, that has buildings from starfox levels, and platforms from skyworld, and all sorts of other models from stages, in ONE stage.
There is a great example of this on youtube, watch it below.


That is basically what we will be making with this tut.
but remember to vote for what you want!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Custom Song Titles

It has been done.
Heres the link to the tutorial, the demo should be up later.
and please vote for next weeks tutorial. An extra apology to everyone who voted for Custom SFX.


Thanks again!

Poll Change

I have an announcement to make, unfortunately, the tutorial that was chosen to be done this week, has hit a huge snag. Please continue reading for the whole story.
Creating custom SFX is possible, but the way to go about and DO that, is actually impossible for a lot of people, including me.
One of the steps that you need to do, is to extract the .wav audio file from smashbox (Program prior to brawlbox). Unfortunately, if you do not have Windows XP Service pack 2 (Or 3), it will not work for you. This includes me, as I'm running Vista.

I will not be able to make this tutorial until the method for making custom SFX is made easier, or more available to the public, I apologize for putting the tutorial on the poll, at the time I did not realise the method was going to be undo-able.

I will be making the Second Best choice, Changing Song Names, and this will be done by today.
Once again, I am sorry, but this is all I can do for you all.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Poll Results!

Custom Sound Effects has won!
Congratulations to everyone who took the time to vote, you are all cool. :)

I can't make the tut now, becuase I'm really busy and stuff, but it should be made tomorrow morning! enjoy the wait!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Changing The Titles For Songs

Wow! Another difficult title to comprehend...
Basically, you know when you put your custom songs in brawl, but it still says "Final Destination (Melee)" on the side?
Well this is what this fixes, and how cool is that?!

Imagine loading up Norfair and seeing at the top "Puff the Magic Dragon Theme" pop up.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Custom Character Selection Background Info

Hey, It's time for some more info on the other choices, although... really... SFX has won.
Again I'd like to thank everyone who has voted, the total has surpassed double the last poll, and I am very proud of this quick success.
I would really like to recommend everyone who has subscribed to me on youtube, to also sign in here (Same account, Google owns everything), and "Follow" this blog. This generates me revenue from ads, and is a great way for you all to help me without donating a chunk of money yourselves.

On to describing!
You all have watched the Custom Main Menu Background tutorial, and so obviously, this would be very similar, except with the CHARACTER SELECTION SCREEN. That's about all the needs explaining. I hope someone out there understands this all better now!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Changing Stage Selection Portraits

Well, ignoring the fact that one of the contenders has 60% of the votes, I shall continue discussing the other options!

Changing the Stage Selection Portraits would be a tutorial on how to make the picture for a stage, be different! (Wow obvious I know!).
But think about it, I just did a tut on making 2-D stages, but what if you dont want to select "Final Destination" for that stage? what if you want to select "Coke Can On Firey Background"?

This would show you how to get a image up there instead of FD!
You could also use this to change Rumble Falls picture into Wifi-Waiting Room permanently!
So handy!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Custom SFX

Alright, time to get learn'd on Custom SFX.
Basically, what a SFX is, is a Sound Effect.
A Sound Effect, is any noise that occurs in game that is NOT the background song.
So, for example, "Falcon PAWNCH" and the announcer saying "CHOOSE YOUR CHARACTER" are both Sound Effect files.

What this tutorial would show you, is HOW to edit these files and replace them with any audio you want. Make C. Falcon yell "CAPTAIN CRAWWWNCH!!!" or the announcer say "Shadow!" instead of "Sonic!" at the CSS.

I hope this clears up any confusion about this choice, although it seems many want this.
Check back often!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Current Poll

Oh wow! It hasnt even been 3 days since I put up the new poll, and we have already eclipsed the total voters of the last poll!
Hopefully the votes will keep pouring in, so far it seems like Custom SFX is a big hit with you all.
Check my blog tomorow for a better description of WHAT exactly a Custom SFX Tutorial would entail.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

New Video Is Up!

Brawlbox Tutorial - Creation Of 2-Dimensional Stages is finally here!
Thanks to everyone for voting, and a new poll should be up by later today, or early tomorrow.

Link to the Tut:

Link to the Demo:

Hope you enjoy! Please Check back to this blog often for more info on modding!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Ha, when I googled my own blog, I got this!


It's a blog about Alpaca Wacka, whicha apparently is my alter-ego. :)
The person hasn't posted since last halloween, but still, it is quite halarious.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tutorial For Tomorrow

Alright, it seems like 2D stages has won it, unless something drastic happens.
So, expect that tut to come out tomorrow, it should be awesome.
Also, check back here tomorrow for the NEW poll, for the next tut.

A preview of the choices are below (Subject to change of course):

1) - Adding Bones to Models
2) - Screenshots to CSP's
3) - Custom SFX
4) - CSS Backgrounds
5) - Adding New Characters to Brawl

As with last week, as the voting goes on, I will post a description of what each one is, so check back daily!

Monday, March 15, 2010


Since I got nothing to talk about relating to Brawl, I've decided to take a different tack for today's post.
today was my team's first game, and we won!
Reply with hundreds and hundreds of "Yay you rock!" type comments!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Oh wow, after my comment explaining 2D stages, it appears that they have it with a landslide!
I guess I should offer up info on the third choice aswell.

When you have a custom texture for a character, and want that to be the image you see when SELECTING that character, you need to edit the CSP.
I have a tut on this already, but it is very basic.
This tut that you would vote for would include:

1) Converting brawl screenshots to .jpg images
2) Creating CSP's from .jpg images
3) Implenting those CSP's back into brawl.

Hope this gets the third option some votes!

Friday, March 12, 2010

2D Stages

Maybe some people do not understand what this is exactly, so I'll explain a bit of it here.
A 2-Dimensional stage is basically 2 pictures, stacked on top of each other.
The first picture is a background, something like a picture of a sky, or ocean.
The second picture is what you stand on, it is your battle platform, and could be a picture of anything you want, a island, a game level, a character, a potato.

Using collision editor, we make that second image become the floor, and with this technique, we get a 100% new stage.

Hope ya learn'd somethin'!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Next Tut

Looks like I'm going to be doing the addition of bones!
There is still almost a week left to vote (It's on the top left), so if you want anything else, vote for it!

Just some Brawl modding info (So you learn something everytime you come here), why would we add bones to a model? Well this is because we cannot put a custom model over a character if the new character has LESS bones then the brawl character.
So for example, if we want to put Frank West, on top of Luigi, if Frank has 118 bones, and Luigi has 150 bones, we would have to ADD bones to Frank to make this work.
Hope ya learned something. :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Hey, I have a new poll, this is probably where I will hit my stride as far as this blog goes.
My random day to day life probably isn't that interesting to most, but obviously my tutorials touch a lot more people.
SO, watch out for the weekly poll, and remember to visit back often to see some PSA or BrawlBox related info.

Physics Test

Oh man, I took a physics test on 3 chapters of our text book I was away for when they were taught.
And I was sure I'd failed, but... I got it back today, and I got 15/17.
I amaze even myself.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Today rugby went for 2 hours, which is so far the longest practice we have had.
I'm a forward, or back... whichever does the scrum.
In the scrum I'm the flank, but each role is interchangable.

Our first game is the 15th, monday! I'm excited.

Monday, March 8, 2010


At tennis today we practiced serves - which I'm amazing at.
After the practise we played games against each other, and the very first game I played I started as the server.
The opponent said "Show me an Ace!"
And I replied ""Show me the money" - Starcraft
Then I actually got an ace on the first ball of the first game.

He stood there for a while, shocked.
Good day all in all.

Tears For The Cobbler

The other day I was thinking, something I highly recommend doing sometime.
Whilst thinking, I realised that the days of the cobbler were gone, I became quite sad afterwards, and thought more about if this could be true.
Who makes shoes anymore? Really it is just the big name companies. In my lifetime I haven't even seen a shoe store with a cobbler on site. And who even bothers with shoe repairs?

The obvious exception would be expensive leather shoes, but even then, machines CAN make those. No one can deny that a hand made pair of Italian leather dress shoes are of the utmost quality, but, for us commoners, the days of the cobbler are over.

Party Saturday Night

Gah, I went to a party Saturday night, it was pretty fun.
We played Beer-Pong, which was equally halarious and aggrivating.
Those cups are so hard to hit!
I was sitting on a comfy chair, and playing around with my phone in my hand.
Just like flicking it around my wrist and stuff, but then it slipped out, and flew across the room.
It smacked into my friends french door, and shattered a segment of glass.
Needless to say, I'm broke now.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

No Ideas

I got no ideas what to talk about, so I'm posting a "I don't know what to talk about" post.
I'm tired.
I like Coke.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

New Video!

Hey, check out my new video which showcases my two pieces of work from the VFS intensive!
"Oh... Those ACTORS!"



Hey, I'm sleepy, played a lot of Brawl last night, owned a lot of noobs.
I woke up at noon-thirty, which means i got 7 hours of sleep.

Nights Events

I got home from VFS day two party, those guys are cool.
A lot of fun times at the party, after that I went to my friends house.
Me and this loser kid played StarCraft and I owned him 6-0.
We made fun of him until he freaked out.
All in all, it was a good night.

Friday, March 5, 2010

VFS Day Two!

Hey, I'm on my way to the bus, which will take me to the sky train, which will drop me off 5 blocks from the school!
Today we are going to do 3D work, I'm pretty excited.
More on the experience later!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ju-On The Grudge

This is the scariest game I have ever played...
Since Silent Hill: Shattered Memories.

Although... It is very repetitive, and if you die, you start from a previous checkpoint.
This makes the game scary the FIRST run through, but not all future plays.

Blog Finished Updating!

Hey, I finished adding everything to this blog!
Expect great things to come, and click on the video links for some good entertainment!

VFS Intensive Program

Hey everyone, today was my first day at VFS.
It was really cool, we learned about the history of animation, and then did some classical animation on paper.
I drew a 57 frame animation of a guy getting shot out of a cannon, I'll post it up later.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Blog is up!

Yay, I got a blog.
Check back to see updates and stuff!