Sunday, September 26, 2010

CSS Codes For Additional Charaacters Has Won!

Alright guys, you voted through CSS Codes For Additional Charaacters and as such, I will start working on it. Hopefully it will be done within the next week, but more realistically it MAY take up to 3 weeks to get around to. I'm aiming for doing it tomorrow... but can't garuntee anything.

Enjoy the waiting!

Question of the Day:
"Would you guys think me having a website would be a good idea?"

I thought about it back when I made this, but this is free and can do almost just as much... Lemme know what you think!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Wow, sometimes life just smacks you in the face. Nothing seems to be matching up right now, and I'm always strapped for time, I'm sorry to all the people I can't reply to about their questions, but I encourge anyone who knows the answers and can post, to help each other out. We are a community!

The tut poll is closing soon, so I should have it finished soon - keeping in mind school and whatnot. Let's hope for the best!

Monday, September 20, 2010

General Update

Hey guys, I guess you noticed that I didn't get that bonus tut out the door, but hey! I had a fun weekend, how about you all? Anyway, I have nothing new to report per-se, the tut will be done after the poll ends, and I am waiting on my friend for the gameplay videos for the contest, but I really wanted to put this post out there to remind everyone who visits this blog often (Quite a few to be honest) to please help me out by taking the 2 or 3 seconds to visit any of the ads on the side that interest you (Maybe even all of them). I truly truly appreciate any help, and I'll try to work extra hard for all of you!


Friday, September 17, 2010

Even Busier!

I can't believe it, but somehow I got more homework than last week! Hopefully I can get it all done really quick, and maybe (Just maybe, no garuntees) I can make a bonus surprise tutorial!

Unlikely, but possible - Enjoy the suspense!

Question Of The Day:
"What type of modding do you think is the hardest?"

Personally, I find animation modding to be the hardest - as it never really looks... perfect. Although model and vertex hacks are really tough too... let me know what you all think!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Contest Update

Hey guys, this is an update post on the workings of the contest video.
At this point, I have chosen the winners! So congratulations to those who won, and thank you to those who participated.

For the first time, "Honourable Mentions" will be included in the video! That's right, not just the top three will be showcased, but a bonus two mods will be shown as runner-ups. Congrats to those two!
... Even though you don't know who you are yet!

I have sent the files off to LucSkywalker16 for recording - so give him a big thank you below, he is also in first year university, and is equally (If not moreso) busy as I am.

The video will be done before the next tutorial comes out, but I will not give a timeline. Enjoy the wait!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

With A Minute To Spare!!!

The HD version is live now, this post has been updated to reflect that. Enjoy!

Alright! I kept my promise and got the tutorial done today! It was uploaded at 11:59pm so it totally counts :P
Well, the description isn't done, and for HD you'll have to wait, but hey! isn't waiting the best part?!
Enjoy everyone, have a great weekend.

Brawl Modding Tutorial - CSS Organizer 2.0

And yes, that is the Halo: Reach display from PAX, and yes, it was as awesome as it looks.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Technical Difficulties...

Gah... alright guys... I know I promised that the tut would be done today - and it would have been! but unfortunately due to technical difficulties I will have to put it off until much later tonight. By the time it will be uploaded, it may very well be "Tomorrow" where I live.

Again my deepest apologies, I have actually recorded the video 3 different times now, but due to the stupid "Black Screen Of Death" in camtasia... I have no work to actually SHOW you. And... although audio tutorials would be a neat change, they may not be effective when I talk about things like "Now look at this icon, see how it changes size?".

Sorry about the wait, but I will get it done! I promise!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Swamped :(

Gah... University is just as hard and time consuming as anyone would expect :(
That's not to say I'm not loving it or anything - it just eats most of my time.

Hopefully this weekend I will man up and finish all my homework right away, then get the tut done and work on the contest vid. I want to get these done for you guys because I know how hard you all worked on them!

Stay tooned for the weekend (I promised a sat night latest release on the tut anyway)!!!

Have fun modding guys!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Home From PAX

Alright everyone, my little stint at PAX is over, but the good times will keep on rolling.
I have a number of projects in the works for you guys (More demos, new tut, contest, etc) but school is just as chaotic and busy as I expected - perhaps moreso.
I am trying to widdle away at the tutorial, so that you all will have something to do while I finish the contest - so I am going to make a commitment to finish the tutorial by saturday night at the latest.
That's right, you read it here, the tut WILL be done by at the latest saturday night.

I wish you were all at PAX with me! I could have held my own panel about brawl hacking XD I'm glad to be back though, and I'll talk to you all soon!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

PAX Info!

Hey everyone! Apparently there was a huge brawl tourney at PAX today, but I missed it.

I am going back to PAX tomorrow, so if you see the guy with the VFS backpack, pull me aside and we can talk! I hope to see you there!

Friday, September 3, 2010


Hey everyone, I head off on a bus to PAX (Penny Arcade Expo) in about an hour!
I will try to take video of the event, and some of the games I get to play early - and upload them for you all :)

Wish you were all going too! And if you will be there, you can meet with me by shouting "WACKAWACKAWACKA" over and over until I hear you - then I'll come over and talk to you :)
See you all on Tuesday!